5 months ago

Oh, look what I created today for "Paltronics' Experiments" AU - "Farmer" Felix!

"Farmer" Felix, also known by the name the Paltronics' file gave him - "Farmer Felix v.2", known by his new nickname - Adventurer Felix, also known by other nicknames such as "Ferret Felix", "Biotronical Felix", "Biotechnological Felix" and just "Felix" is, as the file name suggests, an updated version of the original animatronic Farmer Felix, that was created using the biotechnology, that Paltronics invested. He was supposed, just like the rest of "v.2" versions be way more durable, be more natural, be more "kid-friendly", be more accurate to the real ferret and, what was the most important part of the experiment - not have the "Simon Says" game programmed.

Why is this version of Felix having no "Simon Says" ability? The answer is simple - it was due to how the original animatronic was working with that thing installed into his program - he was literally malfunctioning, he wasn't working perfectly at all and, what was the worst result of that thing being installed, was him being aggressive. See, when Paltronics decided to replace all old animatronics with the new ones, they agreed to create basic endoskeleton, which wouldn't have anything programmed into them, such as the cursed "Simon Says" game, that was a nightmare for both technicians, as they not only had to watch Felix, but also make sure he wouldn't hurt anyone. So, "Simon Says" was officially discontinued, even when the experiment just started. However, there was one thing left to do - the eyes' colours. Due to the original one having installed "Simon Says" program within his code, he would change the colours of his eyes into what the machine would say, however due to it being discontinued, they had various dilemnas regarding his eyes' colour.

Some of the workers (Sabrina and Samuel) were for the eyes' colours to be just white, as how they were when Felix v.1 wasn't active, however the other part of the workers "Stan and Brutus [the second one worked at the factory]) were mostly for the eyes' colours to be different, to be in a colour actually, so they started to discuss the case of the eyes' colours. It wasn't easy, because some workers had other visions - some wanted him to have red eyes, others - green eyes, even there were some, who wanted him to have yellow or even gold eyes. However, the decision was made to actually give him heterochromia eyes. When it was decided, there was yet another problem - what colours should his eyes been? Red and yellow? Red and green? Green and blue? It was discussed more and more, but then there was the official decision - the eyes of Felix v.2 would be red (left eye) and blue (right eye). The decision wasn't accepted by all the workers, but the opinion of Jacob did kinda make it happen, so they had nothing to say at all.

After his creations, Paltronics were observing him, because they needed to make sure, that giving him heterochromia didn't affect him negatively, as him gave him some dysfunctions or anything. Him having two colours didn't cause anything negatively, however they started to notice differences between him and the original Felix - he seemed to try to explore the factory, just like if he was attempting to find something in there, just like if he wanted to see the whole factory. Of course, some of the employers needed to stop him, but him actually being into exploring was making them feel off about him, fearing, that he would want to be someone different, rather than have the same role as the original. And they were right - all the attempts to make him be interested in farming failed, as he preferred to explore, to want to have a serious adventure. One time he got Percy Poodle v.2 to explore the factory, which was, fortunately, stopped by the poodle, as he realised it would only get them into troubles.

Paltronics did accept the fact, that there was no way to make Felix v.2 to be interested in farming, so they just let him be the adventurer - they gave him the clothes, that would represent his adventurous nature, they gave him some action books (mainly Sabrina, who had lots of them inside her and her brothers' house), so he wouldn't really be bored there, they kinda, for a bit, allowed him to go deeper into the factory, but not that deep, because there were places, where he shouldn't really go.

Another thing, that was different about him were his relationships with other v.2 characters - especially Marilyn Moose. They were aware, that Marilyn was more interested into Charlie Cat 2.0, however they did attempt to have some sort of a senseless hope, that v.2 of Mother Moose and "Farmer" Felix would be a couple, which didn't exactly work - of course they were friends, best friends even, but nothing even showed a single sign of them falling for each other. It not only caused them to be in some sort of a state, where they try to deny it, but also prepare for them the explanations, once the playhouse would be re-opened. His relationship with Charlie Cat v.2 was like they were friends, unlike how the original ones would often be in the conflict, as Paltronics made that one thing with v.1 of characters to be separated into "mature" and "not mature" categories - Felix v.1 was in "mature" category and Charlie v.1 was in "not mature" category, which would read to lots of situations, where both of them would make fun of each other, where Felix and Marilyn v.1 would try to teach Charlie v.1 a lesson for his behaviour, however v.2 of them was authentical friendship, not a fake one. With Percy Poodle v.2, while Felix v.1 and Percy v.1 treated each other to be father and soon, they seem to have a bit more of "friends" dynamic, however there are cases of Percy v.2 calling Felix v.2 "father". Are those accidental? It's hard to tell.

When the playhouse was reopened, he got various people interested into the stories about his adventures, that would take place in various places of the world - which were "similar" to adventures done by people from various book he read. He would also make the guests "explore" Percy's Playhouse, which kinda spare the normal employers the need to make new people explore the playhouse.

However, years later, some people went missing and... Why is Felix holding a shovel? Maybe it's nothing?



Next up

What's that? A new chapter for my PWP AU? That's right! A new chapter for this PWP AU has been released!

Oh, what's this? A new chapter for the first book titled "The end of Animatronics" for my AU - Paltronics' Experiments. Yes, that's right - a new chapter has been released!

Oh, look what I've created today - a reference! Additionally, for Percy, however... For a completely different AU, which some of you may or may not know about - Percy's Afterparty

One year later...

Oh, look what I've created today for my AU - Paltronics' Experiments! It's Rowen Rat, or rather - Cowboy Rowen!

Cue the fanfare

Oh, look what I've created today - another reference for my newest PWP AU - Paltronics' Experiments! This time it came for someone, who was supposed to be created the second - Mother Moose, or rather Marilyn Moose!

Well, look what I crafted today for you all - another reference for the same AU I posted Percy from - Paltronics' Experiments! Today's character is Charlie Cat, or rather, more formally known by Paltronics' Files - "Charlie Cat v.2"

If you guys want more content while the team and I make something for the 1 year birthday of Playtime with Percy, the page for a super cool fangame made by @PSIAlfur just released! Check it out if you're interested: https://gamejolt.com/games/thepalresolve/894807

Today, I had a very interesting thought about PWP, that made me draw the reference of Percy for that AU.