9 months ago

Okay, so this is my true final post on my mod concept of DDLC.

I call it DDLC: The new guy!

This is sort of like a compilation post taking everything from the previous posts and making them this one giant post.

Enjoy everyone!

A few disclaimers before we begin:

  • This is just a mod CONCEPT, not an actual mod. I don't have the coding, art skills, or time to make this an actual mod. Worst case scenario, it ends up as random fan fiction on Wattpad.

  • This post contains heavy spoilers for both DDLC and DDLC+.

  • Support the original games DDLC and DDLC+ by team Salvato, I don't own the games or characters.

  • I'm 100% open to the idea of fan readings, fan art, etc. If you like the idea, just express it somewhere, even somewhere as small as the comments.

  • This post will go to a few dark places later on so if you are struggling with any problems present in this post, please seek help from a therapist or loved one. Remember that you matter just as much as the rest of us! :)

What is DDLCTNG?

Doki-Doki Literature Club: The new guy! or DDLCTNG is a mod concept I came up with for the 2017 indie smash hit that was Doki-Doki Literature Club. In this mod, you take the role of a younger MC than the base game in a relatively similar story. Your childhood best friend (Ignore the age gap) walks up to you on your way to school and invites you to the literature club, after following her to the club, you're greeted by the club members.

This mod mostly plays off the idea of the world of DDLC being revealed to be an in-universe simulation made by Team Salvato. My main thought with that was: "What if there were more simulations with the same characters?"

And so, the idea of making the MC a 14-year-old, 4'7 foot tall, anxiety-ridden teen with the same characters was born!

Sayori - the bright and bubbly one who invited you in the first place, she has more of a little brother-big sister relationship with the MC rather than a best friend-potential lovers' relationship. (Disclaimer, she is not actually your sister in this.)

Yuri - the timid and quiet one of the group, she only ever opens up around you because of how adorable you are to her. She has a habit of treating you like a toy or doll because of the size difference. (Yuri being 5'5, the new MC being 4'7).

Natsuki - the annoyed and brash member of the group. She basically treats you like a punching bag for jokes, blame, and anything else she can think of. But don't worry, if you talk to her more, she will treat you like an actual person and not garbage.

And Monika - the calm, collected, and oddly creepy leader of the club. She wants to keep you "protected" from the other members. Monika is the only one you need to trust, okay?

Due to the age gap between the characters, the dating simulator aspect of the game has been removed and rebranded as you need to keep a good friendship with everyone in the club! yes, that includes the club leader, Monika.

Enjoy your time at the club! (I couldn't find the gif I used in the OG posts, okay?)

Day one: (Act I begins)

(Oh, you thought I would just type what it looks like? Nope! I'm doing mockups now!


The day opens up relatively the same as the base game and its remake. You step outside after talking to some off-screen voices (your parents) and find your best and only friend, Sayori! Being around her always fills you with pure joy, it's like her existence is one of the best things that could have happened to you!

After a quick chat about how your day has been going, she brings up the one thing that she never stops talking about, the literature club. She says that she asked the club leader, Monika if she could let you join. And surprisingly, she said yes!

You both share another chat before walking to the club. She opens the door and lets you in. You are quickly greeted by all the members doing different things, Yuri and Natsuki are reading together while Monika is eyeing you and Sayori.

Monika quickly runs up to Sayori and seems relatively excited for the new member, but the second she looks down at you, she seems a bit... disappointed at the person Sayori brought in. Almost as if she was expecting someone taller, maybe older, maybe even more open to the idea of love or whatever.

After she introduces herself, she pushes you away from Sayori and introduces you to the other two members. Natsuki notices you and starts laughing, seemingly finding you being so short hilarious. Until Yuri brings up that, she, in fact, is Natsuki and still below the average.

Yuri on the other hand looks down at you and has her jaw drop, she finds you absolutely adorable! She even decides to jokingly ask if she could give you some head pats, and of course, you're given the option to say yes or no.

They quickly finish chatting before Monika continues the club meeting that you and Sayori were late for. After some talking, the club meeting starts and goes by relatively quickly. You finish and Sayori says, basically her catchphrase in this mod, "See you tomorrow!"

Day two:


We wake up and repeat the same routine we did yesterday: Get dressed, talk to our parents, walk out, and meet Sayori. We take a seat in one of the chairs in the far back, just trying to avoid talking to anyone. But of course, somebody has to talk to us in a moment where we want to be alone.

Both Yuri and Natsuki want to talk to us, they didn't really get the chance to do so yesterday. Yuri has a small amount of concern for you, judging by how Monika picked out a book to take inspiration from that was a little... mature to say the least. Natsuki on the other hand does not care at all, saying stuff like "Maturity builds character" and "Grow a pair already!"

We're given the choice between talking to Natsuki or Yuri for the rest of the day, and both of them talk about their interests. Yuri with horror novels and Natsuki with manga.

If we pick Yuri's route, she explains her love for all things horror. She loves everything dark and grim, and due to her obsession with horror, most people think she'll turn into a killer or something. Towards the end of Yuri's route, she asks an extremely weird question that we have to either accept or decline.

She asked if she could pick us up and carry us around. If we accept, she grabs us from under our arms and starts carrying us around like a doll. All the while just giggling, blushing, and smiling. Eventually, she stops and puts you down.

If we pick Natsuki's route, she seems initially annoyed at you for intruding on her while she's reading, but she eventually warms up and lets you stay. She explains how much she loves manga, but how she isn't allowed to own any at her own house. It's because she... thinks her dad will think she's obsessed with it and start buying her cringy stuff related to it, yup, that's totally the reason!

After finishing one of the two routes, you head to the front of the club room before Monika finally gets the chance to talk to you. She explains that she needs to pull you away for something, she grabs your arm and pulls you to a more secluded part of the room.

She explains how the club is doing this new thing where they make little cards that act as a sort of ID for the club, and also how the cards have likes and dislikes for the people on them. She explains how she needs to interview us to make one for us. But before we can get interviewed, the day ends, Sayori says her line and we head home to rest.

Day three:


On day three, we take a break from the club. But out of a strange feeling in our gut, we decide to still go to the club, and we end up finding Monika still waiting to interview us! She tells us to have a seat and we end up sitting down. She's standing in front of the desk holding a note in her hand, she's extremely prepared to start the interview.

She lists a few simple questions: What's your name? Age? Favorite color? Favorite book genre? Favorite pastry? Etc.

As the interview goes on, the room starts to dim more and more, and Monika's voice is getting more and more... off. But that's probably normal for her... right?

The questions are getting weirder and more personal, instead of light-hearted questions about pastries or books, we're getting questions like: If you were locked in the club room, who would you call for help? Where do you live? Etc.

Eventually, she leans into the desk before looking us dead in the eyes and asking her final question: Have you had any of THOSE thoughts recently?

You try to answer the last question but are cut off by her claiming that the question she just asked was probably put in by Yuri, her jokes are never funny. After that, she lets you leave, you go back home before being greeted by Sayori. She seems confused about why you're even here on a day like this, she hugs you, says her line, and you finally go home and rest.

Day four:


Day four starts the same as both days one and two, except this time, instead of finding Sayori on the sidewalk, you find Natsuki. The second she spots you; she grins before getting ready to tease you the whole way to the club. Eventually, you end up in the club room and she finally backs off. A short talk between Yuri, Monika, and you starts before Sayori bursts through the door. Extremely late to the club meeting.

Some time passes with the meeting. Everything is going normally, that is until you hear a loud yell from another part of the room. The yell came from Natsuki, she yelled out the words "WHO WAS THE ABSOLUTE INGRATE THAT ATE A QUARTER OF THE SNACK TABLE!?!"


She stomps over to your secluded seat before slamming her hands on the table, she is convinced that you ate them. But why would she be so annoyed by some food going missing? She grabs you and tries to make you spit out anything you might have eaten, but before she can, Monika walks over to stop her. How nice of her!

Some time passes and Monika calls you up to the front of the room, she explains that the closet in the back needs to be cleaned. She sends you and your "favorite" member, Natsuki, to reorganize.

Every second you spend there is another second Natsuki is holding herself back from socking you in the face. All she is currently focused on is finishing as quickly as possible and getting back to her volume of manga. You try to poke and prod her to try and do anything that involves being nice to you, but she always refuses.

Eventually, after stepping onto a step and not being an accidental pervert this time, she falls flat on her butt. We lend her a hand and pull her up, sharing a surprisingly sweet moment before she walks off to tell Monika that the two of you are done.

Sayori runs up and hugs you before you leave back to your house and end the day.

Day five (Act I ends):


Everything is relatively normal on day five, the club seems bright and happy! Natsuki is still kind of annoyed at you for what happened yesterday, but she isn't as salty as she was back then. You all enter and then sit down after they go out to greet you. And you notice something about Monika this morning, instead of being calm and collected like usual, she has a sort of passive-aggressive look on her face.

She looks to the rest of the club before a conversation breaks out, it goes like this:

  • Monika: So... I noticed a little something after all of you went out to greet *PLAYER*...

  • Monika: I noticed that everything on the snack table turned to nothing but splatters and crumbs...

  • Monika: And I know for a fact that it wasn't *PLAYER*, so I need to just ask who ate everything.

  • *The rest of the group looks around*

  • Monika: I'm not mad, just a tiny bit annoyed! I spent a lot of money on all that!

  • Sayori: Well Monika, do you ever just think that- *Hic* -you forgot to buy snacks?

Eventually, Monika sighs and walks off. The group returns to what they were doing. You and Sayori walk to the back of the club, but you notice that Sayori has a look of what seems to be extreme guilt on her face. She seems to also be embarrassed by the fact she has hiccups now. It's extremely clear that she ate all the snacks, but she is just waiting for you to connect the dots.

Everything goes just as it should before the day ends. But before you can go home, Sayori grabs your hand and takes you to her house. She has a giant blush on her face, she seems extremely worried and anxious, almost a little... sad?

She takes you to her room and quickly changes her uniform before she finally says something to you.

  • Sayori: Hey uh... little guy... I have something to... tell you... I guess?

  • Sayori: Okay, I'll try to explain this in *sigh* the easiest way possible... because you're young and probably won't understand.

  • Sayori: Sometimes, not always but sometimes, I have these urges to just do stuff that... don't feel... like me. Y'know?

  • Sayori: Staring out into space... staying extremely quiet... *She pauses for a tiny bit* a-and uh... s-stuffing my face without thinking of the consequences...

    Sayori just starts spewing out everything she has felt these past years, every time she's felt sadness or numbness. She starts to sniffle and tear up before lunging towards you to hug her.

  • Sayori: I'm sorry that I made Nat yell at you!

Eventually, the MC says that she is such an important part of his life that if she were to just be written out of the picture, he would fall apart at the seams. The second she hears this; she just starts to sob into your shoulder before repeating "I'll stay..." over and over again.

She heads to bed and just assumes that we've left, but in actuality, we decided to sleep on her couch to just make sure she doesn't do anything to herself.

Day six (Act II begins):


You wake up in Sayori's living room, you quickly walk up the stairs before finding her extremely confused about why you stayed. You're supposed to hate her right now, she made Natsuki yell at you and then lied about her not eating the snacks yesterday.

Sayori decides to make some pancakes for you and her. It seems like every time you talk to her at the table, she gets a tiny bit happier. Almost as if you're the reason she may have a shot at breaking through her depression. She asks us to turn around after we finish, and while we obey her wishes, we can hear what sounds like a bottle being opened from behind us. We hear her take a swig of water before gulping down whatever was in the bottle.

She makes us turn around before we see her with her classic happy face. The two of you bolt out of the house before heading to the club. Monika notices that Sayori is still here and decides to lead you away from her, she puts you with Yuri to quote "Try and bond more." You can both see and hear that Monika leads Sayori into another classroom to have a private conversation with her.

You have the option to either bond with Yuri or walk over to see what Monika and Sayori are talking about. If you pick Yuri, she ends up having a nice and long conversation with you about stuff like horror and also how she never fit in. (Kinda boring.)

If you choose to listen in to the conversation Sayori and Monika are having, you get a pretty unique set of dialogue. The dialogue is a conversation between the two members of the club about a topic we have yet to figure out.

The conversation is filled with a surprising number of moments where Monika is passive-aggressive, annoyed, or just flat-out angry. She goes on and on about how weird the relationship between Sayori and you is, she brings up how the relationship (which she just refers to as an obsession) is quoted as being "creepy" or "concerning for his parents."

By the end, she is fully just yelling at Sayori to stay away from the player. She keeps bringing up how the dependence Sayori has on you to make her happy is unhealthy and should be fixed. She even decides to lower her voice when bringing up certain "things" that the player shouldn't know about.

Before you can leave, Yuri decides to ask if she could come by your house tomorrow. And what do you know? Your parents are staying outside the house until the end of the day for a business trip!

Day seven:


The day starts and you begin to wait for Yuri to show up, after waiting a tiny bit and texting Sayori, she finally knocks on the door in her sweater. She walks in and just admires your house, walking around and fiddling with stuff on her way to the kitchen.

She decides to make some tea for you and her to share, this moment seems so nice between the two of you! As you turn back to her, you notice her staring toward your cupboard instead of the teapot. She slowly walks over to the cupboard before taking out a large knife from it.

She puts it away in her pocket before turning back to you and smiling. She pours some tea into two cups before handing you one, she keeps smiling as she really enjoys your company. She drinks the extremely hot tea without even blowing on it, almost as if she didn't even care that it was boiling.

She gives you her classic slasher smile after drinking it. She's in severe pain right now because of the boiling tea, but she just puts on a smile to hide it... or maybe... just maybe... to purposely make you feel uncomfortable?

She decides to sit down on your couch before complaining about back pain. She turns over to you with a blush on her face before asking if you could help her with it, as you go to the back of the couch to rub her back, she mutters something to herself.

As you're doing that, she starts thinking of ways she could calm down. She's worried that the MC's parents would come home and yell at her or something. She notices a diffuser in your house and decides to turn it on.

Eventually, she ends up leaving the house as the day comes to a finish. She hugs you before leaving, and you head upstairs and go to sleep to end the day.

Day eight and nine:


Both days eight and nine explain the fallout of day seven, everyone is chatting about how you let Yuri into your home. Sayori, Monika, and Natsuki are all thinking of various things you did together. Some are more vulgar than others... COUGH COUGH Natsuki... COUGH COUGH.

Monika is the only one who seems slightly less happy for the two of you, she almost feels a little ticked off on how you didn't kick her out or run away from her. Don't worry though, she'll fix that. ;3

The club continues as normal for these two days, Yuri is much more talkative around you. She even shares her obsession collection!

Yuri seems so happy that you aren't scared or turned off by her. Whether it's because of her height, interests, or how she feels when she finally gets comfortable. It feels like you're the only person who actually understands her on a deep level!


The conversation that plays out on day nine, right before you leave goes a little something like this:

  • Yuri, talking to you right before you exit: You're the best little guy! I hope you can invite me back someday!

  • Yuri: I loved being with you, I hope you feel the same way!

  • Yuri, doing her serious face: Right?

  • Yuri, doing her insane serious face: Right...?

  • Yuri: You DO feel the same... right?

Other than that, not a lot happens during these days.

Day ten (Act II ends):


Day ten is super dark and gloomy, a thunderstorm is happening outside right now. So, the group is going to have some extra time with each other. Something you notice relatively quickly is that Yuri seems a lot more on edge than before.

She also switches between her psycho face every other time she gets the chance to speak, she also has started to end most of her sentences with nervous chuckles. You also notice a large lump in her pocket at certain points in the day.

You have the chance to talk to any of the girls this time around. After finishing your chosen route, Yuri decides to pull you into another classroom. She is practically stuck with her psycho face now.

She starts saying some really unsettling things to you. She brings up how everything hurts; her chest, back, head, arms, everything hurts. She complains about how she barely fits into her outfit anymore like she randomly just started to grow out of it.

She keeps repeating "It hurts." over and over again before she starts laughing as she pulls out the knife she took from your kitchen.

She takes a step closer to the MC, eventually backing him to a wall. She pins him to the wall before giving a large and sadistic smile. She raises the knife towards you...

But before she can do anything, Monika storms into the room before scolding her. Making her look like a monster that was about to hurt an innocent kid.

After this, the club is canceled due to Yuri's actions. The storm subsides and the day ends.

Day eleven (Act III begins):


Yuri is right outside your door; she seems incredibly sorry for yesterday. All she wants to do is apologize over and over and over again. By the end of this conversation, all you can make out is the word "sorry."

She decides to walk over and hug you, seemingly trying to throw everything under the rug. You're given the option to forgive her or not, but it doesn't matter which choice you pick, as the game glitches, and the same answer is brought up twice. You are quite literally forced to say no.

She pulls out the knife she took from you, trying to give it back as a token of forgiveness. But the second your offscreen parents see this older, taller, creepy woman holding out a knife to their son, they quickly yell at her to get away from your house.

Yuri's eyes immediately bolt to your parents, she's extremely nervous and anxious now. She tries stuttering, trying to change what this scene looks like. She drops the knife and runs away back to her house; she doesn't want to confront anyone right now.


As you take a break from the madness that Yuri is bringing to you, Sayori bursts from her front door to say hi to you. She actually invited you, Natsuki, and Monika to her house to have snacks and tea!

This day is supposed to act like a grace period for the next three days, For the next three days, I decided to give the nickname of Cerberus. You can also call these days the torture trio as they consist of literally nothing but the three members of the club either bullying you, scaring you, or walking away from you.

Days twelve, thirteen, and fourteen (Cerberus):


You really wish these three days didn't happen; it feels as though literally everything in your life is falling apart around you.

Day twelve starts off with Natsuki relentlessly teasing and annoying you, her favorite tactic today is bumping into you. Either making you stumble or making you fall face-first into the ground.

Eventually, you need to help her bake some cupcakes for the group. She bumps into you while cutting butter and you slice your finger. Sayori is naturally freaking out, Natsuki seems oddly nervous and apologetic, and Yuri is being weird and trying to get to your finger. (Yuri is suggested to have a fetish for blood.)

Eventually, Monika walks over to the baking area and pulls you away to the back of the classroom. She puts a bandage on your finger before she walks over to talk to Natsuki. She even brings along Yuri as she was saying a few things that may have come off as concerning when you cut your finger.

On day thirteen Sayori decides to take you to a snack table, and she starts eating everything on the table. The game stops as you are forced to just watch her grab snacks and stuff them into her mouth, the only sounds you can really hear are the sounds of slurping, gulping, and chewing.

Sayori's cheeks puff up before she starts coughing relentlessly. Monika quickly pulls us away to watch it happen, Sayori finally gets the chance to breathe again, and her first action is to start crying as she runs back home. Seemingly disappointed that you didn't help her.

And day fourteen is a day with you and Yuri completely alone in a classroom. She starts to brandish the knife she took from her collection; she's just trying to traumatize you at this point.

She's smiling and laughing manically as she brandishes it towards you. She even decides to lift her sleeves to reveal her scars, she then starts to practically shove them in your face. She even decides to make a new scar right in front of you.

Day fifteen (Finale):


You're tired. Tired of the toll this club and its members are taking on your sanity. You walk into the club, and nobody wants to talk to you. Nobody... except for Monika!

She's always there to save you, she saved you from Natsuki when she cut your finger, she saved you from Yuri who was scaring you, and she even saved you from the mess that Sayori would have gotten on you if she spat out her food. She explains how today you have to write an extra-long poem and then present it to the entire club.

Everyone goes one by one, first Yuri, then Sayori, and then Natsuki before it finally ends up being your turn. You pull out your paper and... the writing on it goes from simple writing to unreadable symbols and glitches. You try to show it, but you're too nervous to even speak.

Natsuki is the first to get angry, telling you how lazy you are for not even taking the time to write a poem.

And then Yuri, who says that she never really found you adorable and she was just saying it to make you feel better about yourself.

And... Sayori just cries, you don't understand why she's crying. She's just crying. She knows that she has to side with the others, but she really doesn't want to.

All of them start shouting at you before eventually, you dart out of the room back to your house.

Not even your parents are willing to talk to you during the time you need them to the most. You curl up into a ball before you start sobbing at the door. Just as soon as you think you're alone, you hear a familiar voice from your room who seems to be comforting you.

"What awful people, don't you think?"

"All of them were just waiting to stab you in the back..."

The voice decides to step into the light for you to get a better look at them.

"Come here, it's me... Monika!"

She smiles before leaning in, she seems to just want to comfort you right now.

"Hug me, it'll make you feel better!"

"I mean who else would do it?"

The second you stand up to hug her, you feel a sharp pain all around your body, and the image on the screen starts to glitch and distort. If you've played DDLC past Act I, you probably know where I'm going with this! You are currently being deleted so that there can be another MC just like you, only better!

The screen fades to black before a sprite of Monika pops up in the void, she winks before disappearing.

And there you are, staring at a black void, nobody remembers you or misses you.

It's just like Monika said, Happiness isn't a thing you can find in the Literature Club.

So, tell me, everyone, what did you think, what would you change?



Next up

What is this thing?

I have a question for all of you.

What made TIOB different than my other games?

In order to promote my latest villain, I wanted to host a Q&A for Singularity.

Joltober is here! Today's prompt is Ghost! Each day in October, you’ll get a new prompt and a new quest at 12 pm Eastern! Go to your quest log to find the quest! It'll expire tomorrow at 9 am PT / 12 pm ET.

Idk what to do while I'm on hiatus so...

Official Copy's Quest height chart!

It is with great honor to announce that the preproduction phase of Enter the Guestaverse is over!

(Plus, I hope you enjoy the logo I made for it!)

Copy redesign for Enter The Guestaverse.

Joltober is here! Today's prompt is Vampire! Each day in October, you’ll get a new prompt and a new quest at 12 pm Eastern! Go to your quest log to find the quest! It'll expire tomorrow at 9 am PT / 12 pm ET.

Why does Singularity vaguely look like Gyutaro.

(I didn't do this purposely, it's just something I noticed.)