Carnage in Space: Crucible

11 months ago


Nightmare's story is finished, so it's time for Phase 2 to begin! Before we do so, however - which character do you want to see featured in the next story update?

(See the article below for more details)

== About Kodon ==

Kodon Deinon is a special-ops soldier in the employ of the IOTA Coalition - the same organization that Nightmare deserted two years prior. After a critical mission has gone awry, Kodon became separated from his partner, Operative Delta. Now stranded on Dunest, he is forced to cooperate with the traitor Nightmare and the lawless mercenary Tuhrahkkkii to save the town from destruction.

His heroic ideals and easygoing nature make it easy for him to adapt to the unusual situation, but when certain truths come to light, even Kodon's unusually effective conflict-resolving skills will be put to the test.

In gameplay, Kodon specializes in ranged attacks. His mighty arsenal is backed by generous ammo stores, allowing him to whittle down foes easily at range. His variety of special charged shots ensure no enemy can escape his aim!

== About Tuhrahkkkii ==

Once a proud up-and-coming tribal war chief, now a robotic mercenary without a cause, Tuhrahkkkii is a force to be reckoned with wherever he goes. Inspired by his conflicts with Nightmare during the events of Carnage in Space: Ignition, he has enacted a rebellion of his own against his cruel masters and taken payment in blood.

Now, with no way back to his home planet and his old way of life, he wanders the galaxy aimlessly in search of a worthy challenge for his skills with the blade.

Tuhrahkkkii is a melee-focused juggernaut. His assortment of bladed weapons can deal massive damage, his armor can be upgraded to ignore attacks entirely while leaping into the fray, wiping out one enemy after another.

  3 votes Voting finished



Next up

Chapter 4T level design is done!

Every good level deserves a good boss arena - and every good arena deserves a good boss!

As you can see, I'm still working on that last part. Stay tuned for more updates...

With another chapter out of the way, it's time for some UX improvements! Everybody loves those, right?

* Pixel-perfect mode - the game also scales perfectly on 1080p screens as-is

* Player selector & star counter in challenge mode

* Text is more readable

The 2.0 release inches ever closer. To drive home the magnitude of this update, we've got a brand-new logo!

Animation/pixel-art by me; high-res concept by a professional artist.

This stands out a lot better while still keeping the game's identity intact.

Distance Grew 🌿 Finding the space in between what once was

This is the boss fight you guys deserve.

The guy's super tough and will shrug off most of your attacks. To beat him, you have to -

- Well, uh, haven't you been paying attention to the last few posts???



Oh gosh... how long has it been since I posted last?

Time to show off a new sprite, I guess. This one's a little smaller. Just how many of these guys are there?

Variations shown: Blank face, painted face, mouth open, glider wings, [][][][][][][][].

I updated the HUD's special meter to be more in line with the new logo animation.

If this doesn't catch your eye and make you want to pull out a flashy finishing move, then I don't know what will!

self indulgent portrait i made of michael sheen because reasons #pixelart 💕

Tuhrahkkkii has a new move. Turns out the big guy is faster than he looks.

Use this when you feel overwhelmed to turn the battle in your favor.