Friday Night Funkin': T-Sides
27 days ago

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Thorns V1 and V2

Made 2 months apart

Which is better?

Trevor poses to see how they would look

The poll was a 3 way tie

So here's all 3


https://discord.gg/dNRSa4F39G T-Sides server

You can share art, music, concepts, and even apply to voice act

I will also occasionally stream W.I.P songs and maybe work on sprites live

I drew Shantae the Half-Genie!

So DD and MM will be very different

DD (Aaron) wants to prove he's better than BF (Trevor) because he's jealous of how fast he's making a name for himself MM (Tasha) is a long-time rival of GF (Heather), and they never really got over thier rivalry

If T-Sides gets 10 followers by the time I do sprites, I'll release a week 1 demo

atlas : ) commission

I don't expect any to respond

but it don't hurt to try