2 years ago

🤖 Robotry! is OUT 🤖

Time to put your legs to work in our challenging physics-based platformer, solo or co-op!

Out now on Nintendo Switch & Xbox consoles, Steam PC/Mac 🎮






Next up

We just got a bundle deal on Steam that includes Puddle Knights! If you want to play similar quality puzzle games, the other games in the package come heavily recommended by us! https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/33926/Helsinki_Puzzle_Bund…

We're working on a new Robotry multiplayer mode for 2-4 players: gem hunt!

Introducing: One-legged challenge mode ⚠️⚠️⚠️ This is the ultimate form of Robotry! 🤖

Available now on the Steam version (consoles following later):


The Knightling Community Pack Has Arrived!

Get it in the Shop and complete the quest "Send Your Fellow Jolters' Masks on a Quest" to get a trophy!

Learn more 🔽

More grabbable objects ➡️ more chaos. Some nice progress with the gem hunt mode!👑

More quests inspired by The Knightling have entered your quest log!

Play the demo of The Knightling for FREE and wishlist the game at: https://bit.ly/discovertheknightling

Plus, The Knightling Community Pack has appeared in the Shop.

Getting across a shocking hazards isn't exactly a walk in the park!

Plenty of ways to jump in Robotry! Some ways are probably less elegant than others though 🤖

INAYAH - Life After Gods and The Knightling both have demos on Steam as Part of Next Fest!

Wishlist INAYAH: https://bit.ly/playinayah

Wishlist The Knightling: https://bit.ly/discovertheknightling

Tell us some of the demos you've been playing in the comments!

You'll need a little bit of balance in one of the gem hunt levels. Gem Hunt PvP mode releasing early next year!

Happy holidays everyone 🥰