RTG - The Ray-Traced Game

4 years ago

RTG - The Ray-Traced Game : The first DevLog on GameJolt


I would like to introduce you new game which is in development now for few months. Game's highlight is the use of ray-tracing engine to display game's world. Apart of it, game will be played like classic 2D puzzle / platformer (although, the world will be full 3D with camera looking from side, so gameplay itself can be in 2 dimensions).

For first devlog, I would like to catch up with current progress:

  • took my ray-tracing algorithm from my bachelor's work which I made when I was on university. Refactored it completely to my today's coding standards. Compiled it and ran it after 17 years. Yess!

  • wrote C# wrapper around ray-traced scene, objects and lights (RT algorithm is C++ thing) and integrated it into my engine and editor in which I made my previous game Universe Quiz (available on Steam). In C# I have already coded much better objects management, serialization, scripting, editing, etc.., things which are more awkward to implement in C++.

  • started implementing RTG / platformer specific code above my engine. It means, camera looking to scene from side, actor with 2D collisions, terminals which you can access in game to read hints or story, end level portal, switch to open doors, etc.

  • made few test levels to test basic mechanics and algorithm output

Attaching few animations from test levels which will say more about current state of progress. Short resume of animations:

1. Chessboard animation: my original demo from university

2. Very first three simple tutorial levels

3. Carriable light tutorial level

4. Algorithm features showcase level (shading model, specular reflections, mirrors, color mixing, etc..)




Next up

RTG - The Ray-Traced Game: arcade/puzzle game which uses 'software ray-tracing' technology. 53% of game story is already written. Player will learn most of game story through terminals scattered around levels as seen in this video. More to come soon!

= Perseus - detection and maintenance system = System snapshot as of July 6th 2068, 13:00UTC... Follow RTG - The Ray-Traced Game:

Hi Everyone and Happy New Year!

RTG is nearing its Alpha state. The game has its logo at startup and proper main menu with own dedicated ray-traced scene, all in the "mood" of game itself. Hope you'll like it! Music:

¡Hola a todos en este grupo y Feliz año nuevo!

Comparto con vosotros nuevo vídeo de RTG que acerca su estado Alpha. En el vídeo podeís ver logo y menu principal. ¡Que os guste! Music:

¡Hola a todos en grupo! Nuevo vídeo de RTG - The Ray-Traced Game. El juego está en versión 0.6.2. 65% del juego está hecho, actualmente estoy poniendo sonidos y música al juego. ¡Que os guste! Music:

Hi all, hola todos! RTG has first sounds&music . Here's demo video where, apart from mentioned sounds&music, can be also seen also a glimpse of what's story about. Video is available also on my YT in 60fps:

¡Hola a todos aquí en este grupo! Nuevo vídeo de RTG - The Ray-Traced Game. 75% del juego ya está hecho, estoy cerca de versión beta. En este video podéis ver un puzzle con "luces cargadas mortales". Music:

RTG - The Ray-Traced Game is in version 0.6.2. Around 2/3 of the game is done, currently I'm on sound&music. In the video you can see typical 'puzzle boxes' level. Music:

New video of RTG - The Ray-Traced Game, which is now around 75% complete. In the video you can see a puzzle involving "deadly bouncing lights". Follow me on YT for more gamedev videos: Music:

¡Hola a todos en este grupo! Nuevo vídeo de RTG - The Ray-Traced Game. Casi 70% del juego ya está hecho. He aquí ejemplo de puzzle con tirador de la luz cargada e inversor de gravedad. Music: