With the first week of the jam behind us, i thought i write a post about the progress of the game.
The game is about a developer called Dave Flimsy that is having a very rough day at work.
It is a very short platformer that tries to combine some story elements with action elements and tie them into a cohesive experience.
There is not really an exploration element, because you progress in a linear way through the game.
However the mechanics to move around should give the player a lot of freedom: the player can run, jump, climb and even wall jump.
The game is being developed in html5 with Phaser and will be released as a webgame. It can be played on a phone, but i would recommend a desktop with keyboard or ideally a gamepad.
All the mechanics are there, the three rooms are very roughly mapped in tiles and i have a playable demo with a beginning and an end.
But there are still a lot of areas that need extra graphics. I have some background music, but no sound effects. But hey there still is one week to fill in the details and the gaps :)
I’ll try to post some screenshots soon…