3 months ago

Send Me Anonymous Doodles because why the heck not? Who knows? perhaps I'll respond with a doodle of my own...

Edit: Closed! Thank you for the submissions!

Thanks, @Mellobee for letting me steal your idea, u epic homie



Next up

- Monthly Report: May -

I found an interesting piece of tech that feels...far too out of place to be from here. I'm not sure where it came from, but it makes keeping track of statistics a breeze!

TOP SUPPORTERS: @White_The_Fox , @ShinyJevex , and @JBezos !


Hi to all! If you happen to be collecting my stickers, I'm curious to know how many you've mastered so far! Now's the time to flex those emojis and screenshots of what you've got. Who knows? This might be important later...

Volt's OFFICIAL 2024 Reference Sheet

Took me around a week to draw this, but the effort should save me from drawing another in the near future!

GameJolt crunched the quality, but you can see the full quality on his Art Fight Page: https://artfight.net/character/3384027.volt


Updated Non-Fandom Outfit

From the last post, I edited Volt's non-RP outfit. It was bothering me a bit, but the problem's solved! Complete with a cool glow. (Volt quite literally lights up a room!)

It's messy, but the official ref will be cleaned up ^^

Idk I just really like this guy

Some Kirby doodles made with markers!

Adult Form - Hope (OC)

As I'm going down the list of character redesigns, I realized I never gave much thought into Hope's adult design. I adjusted some features and changed up their hair color with the goal of making them look more ethereal.

2024 Redesign - Unitas (OC)

LEMMIE TELL YA, HE WAS A PAIN TO REDESIGN. I had no clue what I was doing in 2022 and had to work hard to make something more coherent.

RP design has a gear halo, standard does not. STILL NOT POLISHED, but the gist is there.

Blue 'n Beautiful Blue isn't just a sad color

Drawing Volt in 60 seconds or less!

Fun Fact! The name of the song you hear is called Lightning. How fitting!

WHILE YOU'RE HERE, I STRONGLY encourage you to vote on the poll linked below! I need as many responses as possible to move forward with a plan!