
2 years ago

Some 4k screenshots!

#sandbox #multiplayer




Next up

Some more battles with the bots! Hopefully I can get some sort of demo out soonish to test the combat and skirmish modes! #space

Music by Ruskerdax - Open Warfare

Each ship will have a unique ability that can be used once charged. Getting kills will speed up the process of unlocking the ability.

Music by SouljahdeShiva - ScannerTek (

#space #unity #combat

Happy holidays! A very, very, very, early build of my next project will be available to download and try. This demo includes various modes (DM, TDM, Elimination), as well as bot & split-screen support. I would greatly appreciate any feedback!

0.0.33 Release!

- New items, mode & avatar.

- Improved hit detection.

- In-game options added to pause menu & controller support.

- Optimised Android port, gameplay:

#sandbox #multiplayer #building

More below!

The first Devlog for Interstellar Dominion 2, with updates on the level editor, and more on the included article.

Visit to find other players, share custom content and view all the latest news and updates!

#sandbox #multiplayer

A short teaser cinematic from the opening of Interstellar Dominion 2!

Little devlog of my still unnamed project, see more in the included article!

0.0.35 Release & Trailer!

- Improved player cosmetics.

- Added new premium item.

- Added sandbox zombies default mode.

- Bug reporting.

& more below!

#sandbox #multiplayer

I'm going to be introducing vehicles with the next update (0.0.34), here's a WIP look at them!

#sandbox #multiplayer #driving