Bondee's Barnyard 2: ROOTS
3 months ago

The Bondee's Barnyard 2 map is finished...

Some people might be saying "PoOtis, you've been working on this for over a year and you finished the map now?" and the answer is a simple: yes.

The reason why is because I simply hate doing enviorment designs, but I am finally happy with what I've made, I hope you like it as well. The map consists of 10 unique rooms, I may show some of it the upcoming months before the game's release, I may.

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Next up

What do you get when you mix a goat and a sheep?

Fourly, surely

Every shadow is a caution.

Don't fugget nugget!

This post is to let everyone know progress has been going great, I'll be making a devlog about it very soon!

PÅSK (easter)

Biskop Henrik

This Comes From Inside.

NOW everyone is here!