Sumo Cars 2 [Discontinued]

2 years ago

The long-awaited Sumo Cars 2 Alpha 0.3.0 update is finally here! Please play it. :)

Expect a new car, lots of customization, and a new gamemode!

Be sure to follow, and we'll see you on the road! :)

Full changelog in-article below!

A major update for Sumo Cars 2 has been released!

Changes in version Alpha 0.3.0 include:



• Added new gamemode "Sumo"

• Added Spectator Mode

• Added ability to customize Quick-Play game options

• Added car engine faults due to damage

• Expanded Upgrades System [Engine Upgrades]

• Added camera FOV changes based on vehicle speed

• Added best times and scores per level saving (locally)

• Added gameplay music

• AI Opponents now choose random engine upgrade


• Added Music Volume slider

• Added handbrake, check engine, and oil pressure lights to HUD

• Added drop shadow to countdown text

• Added random chance for alt version of main theme to play in menu

• Added button click sound

• Added map name and gamemode texts to event end screens

• Added new images to loading screen

• Added and Twitter page button to main menu

• Added loading animation to update checking screen


• Added Sumo map 'The Ship'

• Added game logo to UGG logo statue on title screen

• Expanded scenery in Vehicle Selector

• Added background music to Vehicle Selector


• Added new vehicle 'Revenant'


• Added sound effect to handbrake

• Game Updater now checks for internet connection

• Various additions and improvements to Game Updater



• Reduced vehicle durability by a large amount

• Increased Tarmac surface traction for 'Slick' tires

• Improved camera mode changing behaviour


• Improved timing of camera animation with music in main menu

• Redesigned Car Condition bar

• Improved volume slider functionality (Thanks XenoLoaf!)

• Improved car wreck texturing

• Improved car explosion lighting effects

• Improved design of dropdowns

• Camera movement now disabled when pausing the game or getting destroyed

• Corrected false stats for power rating in Vehicle Selector for cars 'Starlight' and 'Zeal'

• Vehicle Selector car list now sorted by default engine power from lowest to highest

• Vehicle Selector car list now colored by default power class rating

• Improved and updated credits screen

• Changed text on destroyed screen

• Changed text on welcome screen

• Changed text on update screen

• Changed text in Vehicle Selector screen to lessen confusion


• Fixed bug related to the car AI with roads on Race map 'Umbra City'

• Background car parts in Vehicle Selector now randomize color

• Improved lighting in main menu

• Improved terrain texture on Race map 'Lunaris Circuit'


• Increased weight of 'Oracle'


• Rewritten car spawn system from the ground up to make it more robust

• Upgraded Unity Engine [2021.2.17f1 -> 2022.1.5f1]



• Fixed a bug where driving on a Stone surface with 'Slick' tire option would cause the vehicle to use minimal traction control, making the car incredibly slow

• Fixed a bug where switching back to orbit camera from chase camera would not re-align the camera (Thanks XenoLoaf!)


• Fixed an issue where hovering over a selection checkmark would make the highlight effect of the button disappear


• Fixed respawning bug on Race map 'Lunaris Circuit'


• Fixed explosion light animation

1 comment


Next up

A statement regarding Sumo Cars 2's development;

Very difficult times are upon me. I have my future on the line currently, and a very thin one at that. I am not ending development, but it may be a while till the next update. Please be patient, thank you.

The project isn't dead! We know we sound like a broken record by now, but there's been difficulties in the real world stopping true progress.

However, progress IS being made. Have a screenshot of the new WIP map! :)

Hello again!

We'd like to apologize for not communicating about the game, and what's been happening with the studio.

Please take a little bit of time out of your day to read the article below, explaining what happened, and what we're planning;

Thank You.

Announcing the Lost In Isolation FNaF Game Jam

The GameJam Starts Friday (submit games below)

Join The Discord For Updates

Hosted by @PlentyXD

Help from @hunterallen_ and me

Art by @Funkilicous and Yellw.00f

Merry Christmas everyone, and have a wonderful holiday.

From UGG. :)

Let's take another look at the next big update for The Bunny Graveyard! Featuring the one and only, Boxers.

Last update (for now)'s changelog is in the article below!

Thanks for playing.

We are launching a fundraiser to get Sumo Cars 2 published on Steam! The price for the license is 100€, however with 10 people giving 10€, it doesn't sound that impossible!

Donating will of course get you very well-credited!


NEW TRAILER: Heat and Run launches into Early Access on Steam & Gamejolt on October 13, 2022.

🎯 4vs4 online shooter game.

✨ Heroes, abilities & block building.

❤️ Wishlist now:

#trailertuesday #earlyaccess #gamedev

Sumo Cars 2's development has been facing some technical difficulties with the editor, however, the issue is now resolved.

Development is continuing, and we are hoping to get an update out by new year's. Stay tuned!