Sumo Cars 2 [Discontinued]

2 years ago

The Sumo Cars 2 Alpha 0.3.1 Update has been released, containing many small changes, fixes, and quality of life improvements.

Please take a look, and enjoy the update! :)

Changelog in-article below:



• Added checkpoint visuals

• Added speed-dynamic FOV change maximum

• AI opponents now choose a random transmission

• Added new background gameplay soundtrack


• Added visual representation of stats affected when choosing upgrades in Vehicle Selector

• Added Help screen to Vehicle Selector

• Added lowpass filter to muffle music when pausing the game

• Vehicle Selector now opens with last selected car ('Serpent' if no car was chosen prior)

• Added new background soundtrack to Vehicle Selector (Thanks Bitowsky!)

• Added text to update checker

• Added drop shadow to current gear text

• Rewritten script which controls vehicle statistics in Vehicle Selector to be more robust


• Added cubemap reflections to all levels

• Added UltraGearGames poster to Vehicle Selector scenery


• Added particle effects representing car condition

• Overhauled system of shifting sound effects

• New crash sound effects

• New shifting sound effects

• Shifting sound effects are now randomly pitched

• Added reverse lights



• Improved Sumo mode AI

• Tweaked AI behavior

• Lowered crash speed threshold for when car engine can get damaged

• Engine oil leak now occurs if engine is already damaged when reaching critical car condition

• Spectator Mode now ends when the last AI car remains instead of none

• Lowered base camera sensitivity


• Audio settings changes are now applied automatically upon changing a slider

• Lowered default music volume

• Pause menu now has a cooldown on when it can be re-opened

• Vehicles are now sorted by Class Tier instead of Performance Class in Vehicle Selector

• Updated credits section


• Reduced global vehicle drag

• Replaced explosion particle

• Increased car explosion sound volume

• Increased manual transmission shift time for 'Starlight'

• Made deformation softer for car 'Revenant'

• Replaced engine sounds of 'Serpent' and 'Starlight'

• Lowered idle RPM for car 'Revenant'

• Increased volume of engine sounds for 'Starlight' and 'Leopard'

• Adjusted rear light positions of 'Oracle'

• Increased volume of crash sound effects

• Crash sound effects are now more 3D space-oriented


• Redesigned AI health bars

• Replaced impact sparks particle

• Upgraded Unity Engine [2022.1.5f1 -> 2022.1.9f1]



• Fixed an issue where music would not continue playing after entering spectate mode from the Race finish screen


• Fixed an issue where music would get much louder upon pausing the game

• Fixed an issue where the Pause Menu's Restart button did not fade out correctly


• Fixed missing collision on lights at start line on Race map 'Umbra City'


• Fixed an issue where the AI version of 'Revenant' would react to forwards/backwards suspension movement inputs from player

• Fixed an issue where the AI version of 'Revenant' would never choose different tires

• Fixed an issue where the AI version of 'Revenant' would have player-selected 'Revenant' upgrades assigned

• Fixed an issue where the rear light flares would not be visible on 'Zeal'


• Fixed an issue where songs would sometimes play multiple times in a row



Next up

Good news!

Development is slowly resuming. We're now simply more busy than we used to be for years, so development will still likely be a little slower, but it's once again underway.

Have a screenshot of us having fun testing the new developer console! :)

A statement regarding Sumo Cars 2's development;

Very difficult times are upon me. I have my future on the line currently, and a very thin one at that. I am not ending development, but it may be a while till the next update. Please be patient, thank you.

We are launching a fundraiser to get Sumo Cars 2 published on Steam! The price for the license is 100€, however with 10 people giving 10€, it doesn't sound that impossible!

Donating will of course get you very well-credited!


Announcing the Lost In Isolation FNaF Game Jam

The GameJam Starts Friday (submit games below)

Join The Discord For Updates

Hosted by @PlentyXD

Help from @hunterallen_ and me

Art by @Funkilicous and Yellw.00f

Another snippet from development, back when update 0.3.2 was brewing. Maybe a little bit too much light?! :D

Let's take another look at the next big update for The Bunny Graveyard! Featuring the one and only, Boxers.

Sumo Cars 2's development has been facing some technical difficulties with the editor, however, the issue is now resolved.

Development is continuing, and we are hoping to get an update out by new year's. Stay tuned!

Last update (for now)'s changelog is in the article below!

Thanks for playing.

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Merry Christmas everyone, and have a wonderful holiday.

From UGG. :)