24 days ago

Theres a person on here w/ the hashtag #STRAIGHTPRIDE who has also made a post saying shi like "waaa !1!1!1! What have they done 2 kirby !!!" and they made kirby hold a pride flag

So anyways heres a drawing of kirby w/ a pride flag

Happy pride month !



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Do yall think i should post tbis for my ex oomfs (especially ONE OF TJEM.) or is it better if i keep this private 😝😝😝

Questioning da gend ah again metjinks

OKAY. do yall fw the bio


Whatdo yall think hes listening 2 !

New pfp

Do i add this on to the sketchers united bio or will i get jumped

Heres the user btw if yall also have su :]]

Catalyst is a techno witch and the first trans woman added to Apex! Respawn worked with voice actor Meli Grant (who is trans herself) as well as GLAAD to create the character. Catalyst is out, proud, and, as Grant told GamesRadar, "inescapably trans."

Aint no motherfucking way.