Flee The Facility

2 years ago

This is a small look at the new remastered version of Flee The Facility, I wasn't lying when I said it would have improved visuals, also the levels will be way less harder on your CPU than it was before, read the article if you wanna know something scary.

If you thought Insanity Difficulty in the current release version is difficult, just wait until you try Insanity difficulty in the remastered version when it comes out, its way more difficulty.



Next up

This is a comparison Image from lowest graphics setting to highest graphics setting

Side Note: there is no RayTracing in this comparison image or the game itself

A small look at the next level. Hope you like how this looks.

Here is Withered Vintage Freddy Vintage Freddy model is by @Battington & @TheMediocreMakers


Real-TIme. -

It looks like you guys want this to be a name your price game.

"is there a castle ?"

I've started a great new project, I don't know where it will take me but I'll share my progress !

Don't enter the bathrooms.

VHS Tape number 1

Check the article for credits

In platforming games smaller breaks in the floor shouldn't prevent the player from walking. It's up to each game to decide how tolerant, but it will also need Camera easing (not shown) to prevent the jumpy camera. #MegaMan #UnrealEngine

Another small look at level 3 from Flee The Facility. Hope you guys enjoy.