3 years ago

Thought of a story idea (official name for this game is named falling stars)

So for my rpg game I need a plot idea for (which you can read in this post: https://gamejolt.com/p/need-help-with-a-story-bpn9qrqp) I actually last night thought of one where the story would be where one day zack and josh find out on the news that an evil civilization are on the hunt for the 6 or 7 Crystal stars and take over the world zack and josh have to stop them what do ya think

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so i decided to replay fnas 1 remastered (collection remastered) and good lord it did NOT age well

they do indeed have drip

josh with luigi's hat on

(because i felt like doing this)

Looking for a fun #gamedev challenge? Highrise Game Jam starts April 29 - May 5th. Check out the rules and submit a game before the deadline to win some serious CASH MONIES!

Learn all the deets: https://gamejolt.com/c/gamedev/highrisejam

The Pain... Is Never Ending....

(oswald but emily version)

My 6yo self would be very happy to know somewhere in the future I created this chocolate lake

i kinda hope one day someone makes a revival of fnas 1R here

she just loves "hanging" around you

(impurity but molly version)

Be careful, I've added Gunpowder Walls!


so i found this edit i made a good while back of the fnas mario vector i use now-a-days but i had edited him to look like how mario does in fnas act 1