Sonic.exe - Whispers of shadows

6 months ago

Three, two, one - Let's go!

3D sonic.exe on rpg maker (still trying)



Next up

I keep doing cringe and beautiful maps

Frutiger aero...

The alpha version of Weirddream has been published! You can download it now

On 07/1/22(July)I start making this game,because on 06/30/22 my unlimited internet "disappears"(RPG maker works without internet) 1.07.22 я начинаю делать эту игру,так как 30.06 у меня пропадает безлимитный интернет,а рпг мейкер работает без интернета.

"I'm bout to sauce you"

" 👄 "

" 👨‍🍳"

" 👟 🍅 "

" 🍝 "

" ⛹️ 👨‍🍳"

It's my new game, sequel of Sonic.exe - eyes of true! Sonic.exe - Whispers of shadows.

Wait more soon.


Моя новая игра,продолжение старой, Sonic.exe - eyes of true! Представляю Sonic.exe - Whispers of shadows!

Someone just leaked photo of Gamejolt's servers omfg

First circus level!

I need to add fog and change textures (bugs)

Comments are a big motivation for me!

❗This is not the final result ❗ (How I make my maps in 5 photos)

This is a flash drive