Mordım DLC
2 years ago

Today I tried to do progress in pathfinding.

And I actually did some progress.

Read more for information.

But there is a problem,

Its been so long since I did that complicated codes,and the problem is,I dont remember them fully,and the even worse part is its done for the stage (griff patch),not grid world and this means I have to fully transform it into the grid code and the way it happens is fully different too.

It needs time,I wont give up but It needs time.

Dont wory,I will probaply achieve my goal.

Have a great day

-exofes games



Next up

Got nothing to do so take this random cannonicly accurate gaster blaster drawing (2nd picture is the cannon referrance)

Have a great day,


Episode 0 main menu background (may change)

Hey everyone!

Who wants to play a 3D online undertale game that you fight with Sans?

Well @YusufSimsek_62fc and @QuickClaw made one,

So I dont know,check it out if you want.

Have a great day,


"The Synthesis"

Fun fact:

The desing of the snowman form of diek had been inspired by a scene from one of my dreams(just like the desing of the thing)

(I dont fully remember the human one so it probaply had some differences in there)

Have a great day,



#fnaf #fangame

Hey everyone,check out Freddy's emporium , a trtf chapter 1 remake by none ofher than @Mortuus himself.

(He will reveal new interesting stuff when the game hits 600 followers)

Have a great day,


Well...happy past Halloween you all

I just remembered that I drew the prototype minions' desing a while ago,and decided to use them as "happy Halloween!" content,not much but honest work for being in the university exam year.

Have a great day,


I guess you forgot about me... 🎪🍦

Im bored so did a quick fanart of Raxy from @raixeer_pt64

(3rd and 4rd picture are @raixeer_pt64 's official drawings)

Have a great day,
