Basic Pascal

2 months ago

Tria - balance in space

Tria  – Developer`s log – balance in space

Hello! Developer`s log. About game Tria. Tria – it is a simple space shooter. It is doing with programming language QB64. And game is still in development.


It will be a game about space. With retro graphics style. Black and white. With interesting graphics mode 640 with 200. Two colors black and white. Black background. And all the graphics made with white color lines.

So, it is a long time dream to make a simple space shooter. But, as I start making it – I, again, was drawing a lot. And it is a little another, already. Feature of the game – it is pseudo three dimensional graphics. Game is making in 2d. But, it is something like it is, a little like a 3d. Because of point of view.


As idea for such game – of course, it was a movies Star Wars. It has rather amazing space battles. Blasters. Everything is so about a future. Some computers. Different planets. Space stations. It is amazing.

Game is still in development. As idea, I can make it more simple. But, I do not do it simple. And part of time – I spent on drawing. I draw with lines a lot. And have a dreams, about how it can look. And even – I, already, draw a graphics for another game. Same kind. Black and white. With white lines on black background. But, I have not programmed this second game.


So, this game has also another project. About another theme. With another gameplay, as idea, to have difference. But, only in forms of, already, made drawing lines. Graphics is ready only for this second project.

And about this game. I already by now, programmed game process itself. You are flying with such triangle. It is your space ship. And you move left and right. Like Galaxian, Galaga. Space Invaders. And you shoot with space button. You will have whole three weapons. It changes with 1,2,3. From the up side – enemies are flying. They are also a space ship with triangle form. They shoot. You shoot. And this way game is going. And game has at the down some interface. Current weapon – at the left. Lives with letter T. And at the right – a total list of weapons, that you have. A weapon that you use right now - from the left.


Game should to be more dynamical with its idea. As idea. Because, of right now, I am doing a game balance. So, this means about what speed. How it will be played. By the way, I also fix some errors in code. So, I am playing this game by myself, looks like this. And I tune the balance. In a side for more dynamical game. It is about a space avengers, anyway. Or space ships. As in Star Wars.

Game has a title, by the way, TRIA – because of all space ships – they are something like triangles. All of them has a triangle form.


Right now, I am still calibrating game balance. And fix errors in code. Later, I need to program all game menus. Maybe, a little intro to draw with lines. And to write a little text, as a story.

This game will be released in terms of new version of Basic pascal pack. As it will be done a several new games. And will upload them in this Basic Pascal. It will be next version of game pack. And it will be there a new games. And this game too!


 Basic Pascal pack - whole pack of games and programes, written with basic and pascal. It is retro.

With each game and program there is a page at author`s website. There are aditional information, descriptions, pictures, arts.

Basic Pascal:






Next up

Basic Pascal version 1.16 TRIA – Release Day! R-Day!

Congratulations! Little positive funny moment! Second plan about to programming new games with Basic is done. Plan has a name TRIA! And this is after the title of the first game in this plan.

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Happy Video Game Day! 🎮

Celebrate by completing our quests!

(They'll be in your quest log until September 19th.)

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Set sail to the shop and collect 'em all!


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Happy #WIPWednesday!

Are you working on a game?

Making some art?

Practicing a song?

Something else?

Tell us in the comments!

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