Five Nights at Spongebob’s

1 year ago

uh spongebob please stop staring at me with those eyes

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so i decided to replay fnas 1 remastered (collection remastered) and good lord it did NOT age well

holy shit i'm working on fnasb again


The Fazbear Facility: Prologue Announcement Trailer + Anniversary Devlog

josh with luigi's hat on

(because i felt like doing this)

Bonus + Thank you for +4k views on Showstar!

so i might have @DlylantiFilms to redo most if not all the art for this game since babs had some of the art together (take the camera buttons and camera names for an example) and i feel like i might do one image bigger then another when cropping them

i be cooking!

(doors are done)

These are my favorite models I've made this year!!! I know these are the recent ones but yeah I love them a lot

so i decided since i haven't work on any of my games in a little while since i've been kinda busy (and kinda lazy) i decided to get back to work and since i'm getting back to work here are some new sneak peak screenshot for five nights at spongebob's