This is the first devlog I have done about undercolombia, it probably has a lot of things since we have been developing the game for 1 year, but I will try to summarize everything as best as possible so that you know everything without going into too many details
This will be a new format in which I will talk a little about the development of the game each month
We have welcomed 3 new members to the team, @AnderGJ , @Amayaut
and @enzlo33
I will give the most recent of the sprites, since it makes no sense to talk about the three reboots that the sprites had
- Overword
first remake of frisk, along with the genocidal sprite

I've also made the 3rd remake of Toriel's sprite, now much smaller and adorable to give the feeling of a Colombian mom (and clearly you're scared shitless when she gets angry )

And well, flowey is still the same as always

And many more monster sprites have been made

- Rooms
The room sprites were completely reset, starting from 0 with a new graphic style and a new planned structure.

- shop
I added a little store in the ruins area, (I swear it will be necessary xd) ((I hope so))

- Battle sprites
here is floripundio's battle sprite

I also made 2 sprites for Toriel

This animation is made by the member @Amayaut

Then the sprites of some original monsters

I have also changed the battle buttons, with other icons and another style

I also made this background for the battles

Section Manager: @MightyN
-Everything is complete, except the ACTS

-Completely configured :D

-Flowey cinematic (combat tutorial)
-Tutorial (Overworld)
Section Manager: @enzlo33
Flowey's Pasifist route dialogues completed
To do: Neutral and genocidal flowey dialogues toriel's dialogues
Section Manager: @AnderGJ
Ready to listen to in the soundtrack section of the page!
Thank you
Thank you very much for reading the first UNDERCOLOMBIA devlog, without you this would not be possible. those of you who really support me. and that's why I decided to make these devlogs every month, so that everyone can see that their support is not in vain and that I really work as hard as I can on this project. all for the love of art, for the love of fandom and for a dream that we fulfill here together. It may sound corny but that's how it is. Thank you and good morning, afternoon or evening