With the celebration of Undertale's 9th anniversary,
We've decided to give new information on our fangame, Undertale Orange, as well as the development!
1: Brace actually has magic powers. However, they don't know how to use it.
2: Brace can suplex.
3: Brace favorite color is lemon.
4: Brace actually has parental figure, however they would abuse and torment Brace, hence why they have fear of alot of things.
5: Brace has an outstanding jump height.
6: Brace can't read or talk as well.
7: Brace actually has a fear of monsters.
8: Brace can uppercut.
The development of our fangame has been a bit lackluster... This is because I, Caramel, the creator, have been busy with school, and couldn't work on much progress of the game. Also, I currently need a new computer still, and once I get enough money the team can work on the games engine!
However if you haven't notice, (by the picture) Brace got another redesign!

Here's their spritesheet!
I thought also on reworking story a little bit!
And plus... New Characters?

I plan on adding a spider character during the cavern area. Their name is yet to be revealed!
(Not final.)

A grumpy and weirdly disjointed monster, who tracks you down during the grassy area.
New information and developmental progress will be made for all to see!
One more thing!

I remember these old prototypes of designing Brace. It kind of gave a nostalgic feel...
There's even more of old Brace designs!
And this all started with Undertale...
Happy birthday Undertale!