Baldi's Advanced Math Courses!
1 month ago

Unity makes me rage

For now there's not gonna be much map that's getting changed
I plan on getting a beta version out so we can work on a more fleshed out mod while people get a bit of what's to come.

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Next up


Said realistic Zenith as he looked down upon you /j

Every day I'm shuffling

I learned how to update the ai path finding, so that's good

What isn't good is that sections keep deloading when playtesting. Unity tutorials aren't really helping either.

Somehow managed to get the Portal Poster working in Classic. I'm so tired aaaaaauugh

Many thanks to the ppl who've been gifting me sticker packs and stuff, along with everyone who wished me a happy b-day

Trying to spend time with family and all so can't post much

I lack the will to draw rn


- New skybox + lighting because it's cool - Fixed some parts of the new map not rendering - Fixed a bug where I got softlocked on the YCTP - Adjusted Zenith's ((player)) speed to better match Baldi's speed at 9 notebooks

So I got bored and recreated the vocals of Ruler

This 4 second animation has been processing for 2 hours, just why