Chica's Party World: REBAKED

17 days ago

Up next on the showcase roster: Silver Chicken!

I apologize for a bit of delay in posting, been busy with some other stuff lately, but I do have some updates to make up for it!


And of course our usual comparison photo as well! (New on left, old on right)


"Hey, didn't you talk about the office being the next reveal?"
I did! And we do still have plans to show you guys it! Initially I figured I was gonna just take some screenshots in Blender of the new office, but I figured that wouldn't really be all that fun nor would be the best representation of what it'll look like in engine, so we have a bit bigger plans in mind...

You'll have to wait JUST a bit longer for that though! Bear with me here!

If you're really itching to see some "not in engine" content though... I suppose I can spare a little something :)


(Keep in mind what you see here won't look like how it will in the final! Things like lighting changes a lot in different engines, but all of the models and art you see is finalized.)

So, what's gotten done over the past few days? A few things:
-Lolbyte's anger bar UI and functionality has been added! Before she only had her AI and nothing to attach to the function visibly other than her head shake, now she has the anger bar once more!
-All of the new models (such as the new office) and textures have been fully implemented in-engine. This hopefully means we won't have to go back and change anything else with the map! And if we do at any point, you can blame me lol
-Silver Chicken's office appearance has been tweaked just a bit, both in terms of its functionality and appearance. Maybe that'll be another thing on the list to show off soon! Once we finalize the jumpscare anyway...
-All eye animations have been implemented on the existing characters. This means in instances like when you flash Russel with the light at the doorway, for example, you'll see him close his eyes when he recoils back! (Maybe I sound too enthusiastic about Russel being in pain... I promise its cool!)
-The last cutout art has been finished:


As of right now, the current game plan is to finish Chica and Coraline's functionality, and once they're done (other than any potential polishing and ironing out bugs), the entire main night will be complete AI and appearance wise! Both of them already have all of their animations finished, so hopefully we can knock that out soon!
And once we hit THAT milestone, that's most likely when you'll see this game page get an overhaul and see the old version move over to a different page.

In some other smaller news, I'll be out of state from 6/11 to 6/21, meaning unfortunately I won't be online as much during that time to post updates or talk to you guys. :(
I promise I'll still try to check in when I can when the time comes though! Just wanted to let you all know in advance.

Thats all for now, enjoy! :)




Next up

We had a few requests to see the new Tophat model on our previous post, so here he is! #fnaf

Since it'll probably be a little bit before we can post any substantial updates for Rebaked again, I figured it would at least be fair to give you guys a little something... Even if a bit silly, lol. #fnaf

In other news, since someone on our previous post asked about controller support! (Squeaks is a madman)

POPGOES Evergreen - Blake the Badger wallpaper (4K)

Late night new carpet texture! (And by extension, new icon for the account!) #fnaf

Say Cheese!!!

As promised, the Russel Redbear showcase is up next! How would you guys feel about an office redesign reveal next? :) -Rose #fnaf

Hi guys! I feel bad that I haven't been able to update with more game progress lately. So as a fun little treat, I figured I would show off the new low poly models in a more proper setting! #fnaf

Here's Parts And Service!!!

Last up (for now?) on our model showcase is Security! #fnaf