Darkest Nights at Fazbear's

6 months ago

V2 update

Hello everyone!

It has been 18 days since the switch to Blender 2.79 for V2, and so far, I have already ported Freddy and am currently in the process of porting Bonnie

Since porting is a rather boring process, I have also been dedicating time working on the cameras, which are actually all in one big map file

I have attached an image of the current show stage on this post so that you all can get a peek on how it looks. Other cameras may be revealed in the discord server, which you can join here

That is all for this update, see ya in the next update!



Next up

Second animatronic changed for V2, Bonnie herself!

(Comparison included, left is new and right is old)

all characters have been ported to 2.79, page will be changed to reflect 2.0 soon

sorry about the silence on v2! I haven't worked on it much lately, but I'm gonna focus on it for a bit!

I am gonna say though, don't get too hyped about v2, at its core, it really is just a graphics update, and only a few major changes will be made for it

unfortunately the models could not be ported to 2.79 due to an issue that made them impossible to texture for some reason, so I will stick with 3.0+ for the rest of dev

also, thanks for 100 followers! have Chica in her full glory (plus a comparison)!

V1.0.4 patch

not v2 but I will give some news at the end

put something on the phone

(and yes this game is still being worked on lol)

my new theory video coming soon

this is the best game in my whole collection

#GJAsks pab 3 should get a sequel, mate, it would definitely put a bloody shrimp on the barbie, mate.

who's with me?

canceled game showcase, wow!

One Night at Stickman's Place

I was making this game as a "making a fangame in 7 days" challenge but I got sick during production and couldn't continue, after that I felt no motivation to continue as I felt I ran out of time-