Escape From Guha

2 years ago

 VimJam3 has started so I'm going to leave this game for couple days. However here are some screenshots of what I've done recently.



Next up

This game has been updated!

It has more features, rooms, traps and challenges.

Get it while it's fresh!

I'm back to updating this game and I've brought Jakk to join the raiders.

These shots show Jakk in action:

Apparently I'm not allowed to upload updated version of this game until voting period is over, which is 3 days from now.

So the upload will be delayed til Sunday. In the meantime, I'll resume my update to Raiders Rush.

Distance Grew 🌿 Finding the space in between what once was

Raider & Reaper has been updated now it's time to update this game. Here are shots from the update from this game:



Here it is, post jam version is uploaded here

It features more features, level and enemies.

Enjoy this short fun game

This game has been updated!

It has more features, rooms, traps and challenges.

Get it while it's fresh!

self indulgent portrait i made of michael sheen because reasons #pixelart 💕

Raider & Reaper has been updated now it's time to update this game. Here are shots from the update from this game: