Star Story
9 years ago

Website is down, but the game itself it not.

Some people visiting the official website of this project ( may have found out that the site won’t load at all and display an error page of in stead.

A website being down is often seen as a sign of the project being down as well, and that is not the case. This was just a huge error on SourceForge’s side, and is therefore beyond my control. SourceForge wrote a full essay about what is really happening out there click here to read this essay. Anyway once SourceForge got its trouble sorted out, my website should appear again.

If you want to be updated live in the meantime you can always check my issue tracker on GitHub.

Now that I’m posting here anyway I can give you a tiny update on the current situation. I am still working on the combat routines. The last thing I did was putting the last touch on the looks of the combat menu now to actually make that menu work.

Once the combat routine is done my next step will be of course to finish the Yaqirpa, the prologue dungeon, but also how to get into a fight. My current plan is to use monster “icons” moving into the dungeon igniting combat if you touch them. Your level compared to the enemy might be the deciding factig wether or not you can easiy avoid them. If this system doesn’t work the way it should I might have to revert to random encounters, however if I have to go down that road, I will grand you ways to skip or turn off encounters, just like in Dyrt.

The current plan is to first create the first four dungeons (secret dungeons not counted) and release that into a demo. This demo will be the only stable release during the development period. I may update the demo only for some important bug fixes.
Once the development is finished the full version will be released. Please note, this game is an open-source project, so the full version will be free (I got to say this as the word “demo” often arises confusion when it comes to this).

(Oh yeah, if everything goes according the plan, savegames made in the demo will work in the full version. Vice versa can (of course) not be assured. If I can for any reason at all not keep this “promise” I will announce that in the release).

I do have some plans for an open Dev/Alpha/Beta setup after the development of first dungeon has been completed. I will post more details about that when the time comes as I am not really sure yet if I’m going to push that through, but the plans are there. I must note though, these Dev builds of the game won’t come with a proper installer, and may even come in “components” (in order not to take more of my bandwidth than needed). Basic knowledge of how to use the file system of Windows or Mac will be required. :)
And yes, if you find bugs in my dev build you may then post them on my issue tracker :)

Well with that I hope all confusion about my site has been cleared up. The site’s out, but will be back soon, but the project’s still alive and I’ve been working hard on the development the past days.

See you later
Jeroen Broks / Phantasar Productions



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