Popgoes 2: Eclipse
8 months ago

Weekly progress update #4

Hi there eveybody!

And Welcome to the fourth weekly progress: Black Flag

To start off, we have....

South Office's right side wip


I've started work on the South Office's right side.

I haven't made much progress on it, but I already have enough to start coding the main night's gameplay.

I think that the right side will be fully finished in the next 2 weeks or so.

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Reprinted Popgoes' updated model


Due to some complains of people about his model, I made some changes and hopefully he now looks better than before.
I sure know I like him more now!
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Now, onto the cooler stuff....


Main menu wip


Here's a wip preview of the main menu.
I really like how this looks so far! If y'all have any opinions on how to make it better, please tell me in the comments.

Also, in case it wasn't clear:
The background image is only a placeholer, and no, the finished background isn't going to be a render of Popgoes.
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Uncompressed image x2

See ya next week!
-Fox gamer



Next up

Ok, this caaan be a little bit of a stretch, BUUUT, since that some of you made drawings for the main area n' such, what do you say of remaking these drawings for the South Office's right side.

I'll need 1 of each character. I would appreciate it a lot!

Weekly progress update #7

Fun fact: This was the REAL first teaser for the game, and it was posted today back in 2021.

So technically, today is the game's 2 year development aniversary


A guide on how to place Charged Stickers and get POPGOES stickers on Game Jolt!

Weekly progress update #9

long night

Another track has been released!

The main nights' theme, you can hear it on both Youtube and Soundcloud!

Jesse we need to cook.


BLOOD & GEARS: FNAF 1 Trailer Recreation

DISCLAIMER: This is not our official trailer! This is simply a recreation of the first FNAF trailer with our assets for fun. Enjoy! :)

Weekly progress update #6