Hello there! Oh, wow, first article post! Exciting!
You may be asking me, or yourself, I don't know - just what IS this marvelous Minecraft ripoff of an RPG? Well, my friend, it's an action adventure RPG, made in RPG Maker MZ (MZ wasn't an option for the engine so I chose MV)! Steve RPG is the game that came before this, so if you want a game to play in the meantime then go play that. It has tons of replay value!
What can you do in this game? It's, on a surface level, an RPG that you can play for the story, just like the game that came before it. However, there are lots of things to do, and a completion rate checker to help with that! Just what are some of these things you can do? Well...
-Explore the mining chasm! Collect materials!
-Work jobs for extra money and/or benefits (may or may not correlate directly with the mines)!
-Make friends and visit old pals, with benefits for hanging out with them repeatedly!
-Destroy those pesky Pay2Win servers! Very Satisfying™️!
And much more! I'm not just saying that to pad out the features of this game I just genuinely haven't had many ideas fully realized yet!
This page is in devlog only mode for now, but I'm hoping to have a public alpha fully playable sometime this year. Development is slow since I am only one person, but I have some extra help from others with things like map making and asset creation. Hopefully I will be able to share some demonstrations of mechanics soon!