Set in the far future, the Lost Civilization pits the Hunter against dangerous killer androids known as Annihilators. This world also features poisonous barrels, heavy thunderstorms, and a surprise miniboss.
Next up
Guys, I think I downloaded the wrong copy of Chrono Hunter.
Kept you all waiting, huh?
OST Album Volume 1 Out Now!
Version 0.5.0, the Specialist Update - out now!
Progress Report 4: More insights about the Molten Factory.
Version 0.6.0, the Lost Civilization Update - Out Now!
Progress Report 3: New and Revamped features.
I've taken some time to revamp the menu as well as adding some new features to the game. Here are a few things to expect in the Molten Factory Update. (expand to view)
Progress Report 5: Molten Factory release date!
Version 0.4.0 released!