The Dynocation --
Are a eusocial species of genderless amoeba who live in a world like ours. They view themselves as gods, and are widely inspired by real life gods from varying cultures. The dynocation keep themselves hidden from humanity, and can shift between the 3rd and 4th dimension. They have a nucleus instead of a brain, a membrane instead of skin, and use head tentacles to sense the world around them. Dyno Colors --
[Dynocation always have two colors that represent their heritage and family genetics.] Mountain | Red - Originally lived in high altitudes
Sulfur | Yellow - Originally lived in volcanic water
Pond | Green - Originally lived in inland water
Forest | Blue - Originally lived in the forests
Ancient | Purple - Originally lived in ocean surface
Ocean | White - Originally lived in ocean depths
Ice | Black - Originally lived in the artic
Heaven Colony --
Sitting up on the highest peak of earth, heaven colony has built a dauntingly large structure far from the reach of humanity to run the worldly kingdom from. Within the mountain are a series of halls and a throne room where court is held for all other dynocation colonies. Leader: Yhwh | Ocean Mountain wearing a blue eyepatch with a cross symbol over left eye
Prince: Michael | Ocean Mountain wearing a blue eyepatch with a star symbol over right eye
Gabriel | Ocean Sulfur wearing a Yhwh mask with a full body blue cloak
Zachriel | Ocean Mountain with large curling horns that stick out of their head
Ursel | Ocean Mountain with four ribbon wings and a golden sun staff
Sariel | Ocean Mountain with six wings and a smaller than usual form
Raphel| Ocean Mountain that is old and ribbons in tatters
🪐 Chapter One 🪐
Clouds of pink with dimming blues circled the mountain peaks. Amongst the cold earth, a speckle of red strewn across like rolls of scriptures unfolding around a altar.
The red and white form moved slowly. Warm clouds of air left the large dynos mouth. His face nuzzled cozily into the soft snow. A large red tail gently tapping the ground. Hovering above were three angels, Michael, Zachriel, and Ursel. Their red ribbon wings floating around Yhwh in a circle, acting like a halo of protection. "How long does he stay in stasis for?", Michael asked, tilting his head as he watched Yhwh's form shifting below. "All day long", Zachriel replied, eyes closed and focused on the task at hand. Unspoken was his annoyance with the younger angel. Ursel nodded in agreement, giving a slight extra flap of their ribbons. Michael hummed in wonder.
Below, Yhwh deep in his slumber, organized his nucleus tediously. The outside world fading from his current senses. Opening his eye to the strange world of dreams, he peered around, yet all he could see was the vast nothingness. A world of darkness. He let out a big sigh. Like every night of rest, it was always the same. The same darkness, the same nothingness, as he organized his nucleus. It felt inadequate. He'd heard stories of dynocation with such grand visions in their slumber, but his had none of the fantasy others had. Curling up closer to himself, laying his head down in this dark dream, briefly, a sound rippled through his entire membrane.
A soft electrical hum.
the language of old rose from the noise. Familiar. It felt familiar to the Heaven Colony king. Raising his head he listened more intently.
the sound fizzled out, leaving pieces missing. Yhwh shook his head. "Please continue", his voice echoed into the darkness. He was met with nothing. As hard as he might, he couldn't remember. He shifted through the rungs of his nucleus for answers. It had to be someone he knew or was it... himself? The universe perhaps? Was the universe speaking to him? Was it singing to him?
As the nucleus was thoroughly catalogued, having combed his memories, his entire being, Yhwh arose from the rest. Standing, he turned his head upwards, watching as the angels circled above. The song of his dream echoing in his mind. What did it mean? The sounds of the angels, stirred his attention.
"Holy", Zachriel descended first, circling beside Yhwh. "Holy", Michael quickly caught up, smiling as he approached Yhwh. "Holy", Ursel finally caught up with the two. Yhwh smiled, pleased with his children's greeting. "Good morning", Yhwh replied. "I have a new song for you, would you like to hear?" The angels eagerly nodded their heads in unanimous agreement.
Hi hi! (๑>◡<๑) I come in with a new story! A bit of a cute and gentle story. Was thinking of the dyno Yhwh today, and wanted to write about him and what he gets up to. (He sleeps a lot!) I might expand on this story, but I also may leave his dream up to a mystery in meaning. I'm not sure yet.