Post about Art!

doodle for @FuntimeTerror

i really loved your character ^^

Kage and mr love (mr love belongs to @_-noodles-_)

sonic pocket adventure.


Does anyone like cats?

SA. 82. “Swirling from the Terror of Mimikyu”


D - 4500x8000

Pre-Swirl: 04:22:45

Swirled Abstract: 07:37:07

Total: 11:59:52

Source: Original

#SwirledAbstract #Art #Pokemon #Mimikyu #Pikachu #Horror #AbandonedBuilding #Winter #Night #Storm

ok so i was discussing "what gimmick would you have if you were a villain" with a friend and i decided for having a BFS

I didnt like twisted hatson first desgin so i made a new one+info

So uhh hey, I got a whiteboard now.

Feel free to draw here!

Remake of a art i did for a friend

Left is old, right is new