
October 12th 2023, #EnavolWardy

yay, Wardy is back! in october, i was deciding if she should carry a backpack with her, then i said to myself "okay @Enavol , but only when she also has her mask on "

September 9th 2023, Number Thirteen gets critical damage

a comic I made about Wardy accidentally ending Thirteen's free trial (ft Vlad Stickman)

[context in the article baby]

#EnavolWardy, #EnavolThirteen, #EnavolVlad

September 9th 2023, Wardy is cosplaying as other in-universe characters!

1st - Wardy as Wardy the Foreigner

2nd - Wardy as Helen the Doll

3rd - Wardy as Isabela the Scientist (never shown before)

4th - Wardy as Koin the Slime

September 18th 2023, #EnavolWardy

I was trying to do a character sheet for Wardy, but then the backwardy Wardy turned out to be slightly bigger than the frontwardy Wardy, resulting in something I decided to adapt to... this.

June 8th 2023, Koin Sprites!

its Koin time (no, im not offering "coins", but i can offer you some Koins)!

#EnavolKoin, #EnavolWardy

VV for random information about Koin, check the dump below VV