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Morning/Afternoon everybody!!!! There's only four days left until August of 2024's FINALLY over!!! Stay tuned for some more future updates!!!!! Wish me at my job as always too!!! #LoveUall!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!! #OohYeah!!!!!

Hey everybody!!! It's me again!!! Another quick update/announcement for today and everything!!! First off, I hope you guys are enjoying my future parody content so far from these 8 months here in 2024 and whatnot!!!!

Afternoon everybody!!! For my favorite #SonicCharacter, that of course, Sonic himself!!!! #OohYeah!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!!

#Joltober2023 October 31st, 2023!!!


Hello folks!! It's another day that I'd made another one of these crazy videos!!!