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Bruh Why! BHToons Adds Teen titans go And Why is super Mario on it for some reason And Also He's The Worst Youtuber #antielsagate #stopelsagate #savechildhood #stardustcookie #capsaicincookie #crk #cookierun #cookierunkingdom #supermario #teentitansgo

(Pt 1)
This is another of my #OC, Her name is Hexian Cursa, She is a black Magic Anti-Hero. Her power is casting Hex onto others, and casting spells, to aid her, and others in battle.

Meet My New #OC Her name is Venge-Skull. She is a rebel Anti-Hero with a bad Blood, Bad Pasts, and a gold heart. Just don't try to get on her bad side.

Meet My New #OC Her name is Venge-Skull. She is a rebel Anti-Hero with a bad Blood, Bad Pasts, and a gold heart. Just don't try to get on her bad side.