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This month's free update of Penlight gives Kyou a new decision to make in Hiroko's route :o

Play for free in English/Spanish here on Gamejolt!

#visualnovel #hypnosis #mindcontrol #other

Hey guys,

Graduated v0.51 is out for Bro Tier:

Consider to support me making games by become my patron, and get some benefits! 

#adultgame #datingsim #renpy #visualnovel #nudity #nsfw #eroticgame #animation


Unleash the fiery wrath of the Lazurat! Dive into our game world and face this formidable creature born from mutation and inspiration. #GameDev #Lazurat #CreatureFeature #VisualNovel #GameArt #process #postapocalyptic

The focus remains on Sayori in this month's update of Penlight, my hypnosis-themed visual novel~

Play for free in English/Spanish here on Gamejolt!

#visualnovel #hypnosis #mindcontrol #other

Bonsoir ! La nouvelle version 1.0 du VN Travail d'équipe avec son dernier chapitre est désormais disponible sur Windows, Mac & Linux !

#codelyoko #visualnovel