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Here is my #Christmas #pfp ^^
I hope you all like it, I'm PrettyHappy with it, and I got to add #NewDesign Ideas of mine + the #Winter #Design of me
Might still change stuff later on but that just the classic in #CharacterDesign

Fullversion released on Costs 9.99€. Will be released on gamejolt too once my marketplace account gets approved. (which could take a really long time)

Error as #Mythology #Creature called #Centaur normally HalfHorseHalfHuman but instat HalfSkeletonHalf #Deer for #ErrorVember2023, this idea is from a Dream/Story of mine, but other then 1 Sketch I have nothing of them

the menu is finally complete, however, a surprise awaits you on October 20th #horror #fnaf #undertale #deer #developer

Animals in the slums.