Games in Cafe Dot

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Urgh! Duh, the code that designates which menu is triggered by the Control Orb was set to exclude Restaurants (making it only work for those).

Working now!

Got it working the same for each side, but I've found a bunch of mistakes, or just weirdness in the code.


p.s please ignore the gaps, the code to fill in the walls is turned off

Got the Smithy set up, but resizing it is glitchy...

I think I might have to give up on this layout and do it like the others, where the back area is blocked off by the countertop.


Today I'm mostly just cleaning up the code from the last couple days, so please enjoy my Goblins dancing.
Thank you.

I got bad rng recording this, but it works.

WOOP! Added a Till to the Restaurants and made it so you can trade with a Goblin that's running it without having to talk to them specifically.

Goblin NPC "using" the Oven in a Restaurant.

There's 3 places they can stand in front of the Oven, but I got unlucky recording this X'D

OH! It did work...they CAN find the Oven.

It just wasn't work time yet

I though it was 10, but it was 11.

Added a [Specials Board] outside Goblin Restaurants so you can check what's been specially prepared that day!

I need to rework shop menu's again, I like having the option to buy different rarity of items, but it's way too cluttered.


Saw some people posting gamedev water pics so I though I'd join in.
Here's how my water currently is.
I need to learn more about shaders and surfaces so I can improve it.