fanprojects in EarthBound/MOTHER

Show the whole Earth your ideas about EarthBound and the series itself!

After such a harsh battle, the heroes need to rejuvenate in this Sanctuary.

#DnD #Earthbound #EarthboundCrash

The heroes are fighting the great and nasty Mondo Mole! It seems this might be their first "boss"!
#DnD #Earthbound #EarthboundCrash

Through the dark cave, our heroes adventure to save the captured Paula.

#DnD #Earthbound #EarthboundCrash

"Say 'fuzzy pickles!'"

#DnD #Earthbound #EarthboundCrash


After confronting Mr. Carpainter, all the heroes are attacked with lightning and sent flying out of the room!

#DnD #Earthbound #EarthboundCrash

The adventurers are entering the Happy Happy Village Church. What's going on in here?

#DnD #Earthbound #EarthboundCrash

The heroes return with a new discovery!
A village painted almost entirely blue?!

#DnD #Earthbound #EarthboundCrash If you showed me this and said it was an official remake, I would absolutely take your word for it. Go show the creator some love, god i need to play this game.

Following a sketchy treasure hunter, our heroes come across a strange machine! (Second image)

#DnD #Earthbound #EarthboundCrash

After a tiring battle, the heroes rest at a Healer's house.

#DnD #Earthbound #EarthboundCrash