general in RPG Maker

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Playing some gambling games at the bar.

Ready to play the demo? I tell you its an absolute banger.


Jumping system. When you approach the edge of the surface, you can jump to another rock, or jump down, it depends on the distance.

Don't get lost. 🗺️

Soon an update to the game page.

Dear fans: I'm currently trying my hardest to deliver an update to TIOB. I'm currently reaching the end of day 3, and I plan on releasing an update when I finish day 4.

Thank you for your patience.

Added Sprites for Older Female Lucidians.

Now, Older Female Lucidians have Hair.

All the Lucidians i've done so far.

Do you have any tips for aspiring game devs?

Version D0.42 released!

Fun fact: New Zealand and Chile are the closest places to Kriegsbringer Island!

This means, almost all animals we see on the island are descendants of creatures from those places.