general in RPG Maker

Share your creations!

I finally have enough stuff to show for my new game now.

I'm going to split the things to show into multiple posts though, so I have more time to make the gifs n stuff look nicer.

So here is some art of the protagonist and a bit of the plot:

Working on the Game, including Cutscenes, Assets and more.

In your opinion, what makes indie games so unique and captivating?

Nick is falling.

Are you ready to collect a million stickers?

Every one lets you use new skills!


WIP Final

Sand storm and heat system... with battle included (Test).

Extra in article (With images):

Explore ancient places that were never seen before...

#DonnyDonutDokrats's first DLC is coming very soon !

What are some underrated indie game gems that deserve more attention and recognition?

Which popular indie games have been widely recognized for their innovation and creativity?

Your time to choose!!

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