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Quick Traphole test!
I might adjust it so it waits for the Trap to open slightly before creating the dust cloud, but I want to do as little extra Creature animations as possible

Tiny animal test.

Fireflies don't sink.

Slorbs leave trails on land.

Birds fly away.

I had only planned on these being scenery, but I think Slorbs and Fireflies will be Crafting ingredients...need to add a net

SLORBS!! You've gotta have Slimes in your game, but I think I might want them to be actual animals, so say hi to Slorbs! They are found around Swampy and Dark Grass areas!


How many is too many?



Tiny Birds, now it's a real game.

Edit: Updated Tiny Birds (gif2)

There's not really enough time left today to work on anything big, and I've gotta go foraging for food and coffee tomorrow so I'm think I'm just going to do some little things tonight and tomorrow.

Dang it, I was looking at the Nature Gen code (rocks and stuff), why is Grass being spawned on existing Grass? I'd understand if it was Culled Grass, but it's not!

Edit: Ok, don't apply sprite offset to the check, only the spawn! Good to know!!

Ok! I think that my Chunk Controllers are spawning in the right places, and they're being culled correctly!
Next I need to make some Chunk Regeneration code so Rocks are replaced etc. Might need to save a rock count in them...
But now, sleep

@balmut 's Fan art.

Have you ever seen a fluffy goblin, well now you have.