Goblin Game Dev Posts in Thrall of Time Games Community

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Hehehe, gosh I love this effect

Updated version of the Building Placement Effect.
Unintended side effect, the Cactus Punching Bags do a little bow

Bunch of Visual Fixes and Updates (edit)

Trapholes work! Catch Smol (non-flying) Creatures and collect them!

Now to make some Devices to put the Smol Creatures in!
Edit:some slight adjustments, the little Capture Flag is on top of the player and Traphole is under things that walk over it gif2

Quick Traphole test!
I might adjust it so it waits for the Trap to open slightly before creating the dust cloud, but I want to do as little extra Creature animations as possible

Tiny animal test.

Fireflies don't sink.

Slorbs leave trails on land.

Birds fly away.

I had only planned on these being scenery, but I think Slorbs and Fireflies will be Crafting ingredients...need to add a net

SLORBS!! You've gotta have Slimes in your game, but I think I might want them to be actual animals, so say hi to Slorbs! They are found around Swampy and Dark Grass areas!


How many is too many?



Tiny Birds, now it's a real game.

Edit: Updated Tiny Birds (gif2)