Goblin Game Dev Posts in Thrall of Time Games Community

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Swamp doesn't look great here, too much top white...but wait! Dang the ocean looks nice! It's got depth!

Edit: Ooo! Gif2 is pretty!

Edit2: ANNNND I've lost the effect

Gonna work on my Shop stuff, so here's where I currently am with my Water Shader. I wanna add a better wiggle and shine effect, but this'll do for now!

HMM, I wonder if this will work?


Ooo that water is nicer!

[Gif 1 New] [Gif 2 Old] [Gif 3 Swamps, look weird now]

I'll have to do something to break up the edges of the water depths, but I like the shallow water!

Did a quick test of using Sand tiles under my shore water...think it's going to need more work than just swapping out the tile.
Looks like I can get rid of the cropped tiles though if I do this...

edit: without the cropping

I hope you're all well and had a fantastic October! I didn't have a great month, but got lots of stuff done! Improved a bunch of things, and fixed lots of little bugs and mistakes.

HAHA! Chunk Weather is maintained between Saving and Loading!!

Got multiple Weather Clouds and Particles working and controlled by their Chunk!
Also the Snow is stored in each Chunk too, so I shouldn't end up with huge lists of them.

Ok, now I'll make food.I mean it's only 3am

Reworked Weather to be Chunk based and things seem to be working so far (this island only has 1 Chunk though... so time will tell)

Also, connected Weather Speed to the Game Speed! NYOOOOOM!

Did some reworking of the Lighting System since it's in the same Controller as Weather, now to try and split Weather off from it!