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Testing out some different Rain Particle speeds before making them into separate particles (since you have to code clean up)
I think I can go faster but any slower will look odd, it already kind of looks a bit too 2D at the slow setting.

Going to have to add some sort of time delay to Snow spawning, so it doesn't appear before the particles hit the ground

Progress post for January: https://gamejolt.com/p/another-month-down-and-another-chunk-of-g…

Another month down, and another chunk of game done! I hope you're all doing well and having a great new year so far!

I don't feel like I got as much done as last month (weird since that was holidays XD) but I'm happy with my progress!

Rain looks better now, the splash area is more connected to the weather position.

Also I might have fixed the Depth issue where it would rain on the side of objects?

I'm setting it to the bottom of the emitter box, then taking off 2 cells height?

Hmmm, shapes and colours for different effects. Definitely will need colourblind accessibility options

Heal: Green +

Drain: Red -

Energize: Blue Square

Sap: Orange Cross

Testing Particles on multiple objects at once.
Here I'm using the same System, but changing the particle type that is created randomly for each tree.
I couldn't get the wave effect I wanted but this is ok I guess.


Ok I set it up, so lets see how this goes. Chunks now each have their own Cloud Particle, so I can change their opacity independently. I don't think this should effect performance...

OK! Character Appearance UI is done for now, I still need to add some stuff like a way to indicate you can change the palette for a part (you just have to know you can for now) and a way to enter name and select other data. But this'll do for now!

Change Appearance UI is working!
Needs a bunch of work still, like putting the current Appearance in the right place, but it's the buttons I was most focused on.

Still need to add some way of telling you about changing colour too.

Going to keep working on the code for this to clean it up a bunch, as well as to make UI for it, but the Appearance Options are all set up.