news in Bugged Up Games (B.U.G.)

PATCH UPDATE : Fixed a few bugs from 0.5.0 and cleaned up the character's code to work smoothly. And ofc made this video as a gameplay preview for people (ignore the fps)
Version 0.5.1 out now

MAJOR UPDATE : Added drifting (1 for left and 3 for right, just like generations)
Version 0.5.0 out now. Spent over 10 hours on this so you better play it

UPDATE : Added dash ramp and trick ramp with proper animation and voice and high quality materials.
Version 0.4.0 (MAJOR UPDATE) out now.
Took me 5 hours and almost made my pc crash, so you better play it

UPDATE : Added rainbow dashring, different random voices for homing attacking/stomping/boosting, damage and trick jump, added proper way of destroying enemies for when boosting/stomping or homing attacking (jump and no jump) and improved dashring material