Indie Games in Devs

Indie Games

Loka's Bedroom, at least, for now.


I've slightly changed the visual of the antimagic zone.

There's still time to redo this area in all the scenes.

Summary of LaLiga DT updates this week:

-Event improvements

-Bug fixes

-New Europe Event

P.S.: A TOTY will be given soon

all this time without posting... you think i wasn't onto some stuff?

I think Morgan found a pretty fitting sit for herself in this Living Room.

#Screenshot Saturday

I've mostly finished the shield!

I'll add more soon once I finish the final major step before the demo is released, start on the boss fight!

Also sorry about no video this time it was being extremely buggy!

Zetta telling a funny joke.

Now we have Timed Attacks back again. It's good that Timed Attacks have been used here as a cheap way to improve a battle system. Ask the Mario and Luigi Series for the reasons why it does.

That would be great news...

Updated the sprite a bit! I think it looks better now so I'll get to coding!