Indie Games in Devs

Indie Games

Well... This ragdoll physic is weird, isn't it?

#stealth #ragdoll

Even when there's darkness, there's light, like, drawing on RPG Maker MV when everything is Dark brings Light to the areas you draw on.

Purpur Bedroom inside a Trippy Land, don't you think?

The "Char" here actually means "Charcoal".

Like, Charcoal in Drawing Pencils.

You could actually search for "Gamejolt" in the actual game.

I made that Sprite for a Red Lum Fairy Creature, inspired by Rayman's Red Lum Fairy.


Introducting to you "The Nihilist Cookbook".

Loka Zonzini began to read this Forbidden Fruit of a Book.

This Book is not going to bite her, i sure it will not.


Managed to get the video for the shield to work!

(Also I know I suck at timing the shield lol)

Edit: Didn't work and I can't get it to work can someone tell me why the video is being buggy?

Edit 2: Ok it's only happening on PC and all my videos are buggy.