General in Game Dev

Post GameDev things!

Can we get HSaF's page to 80 followers?

Animated and rendered by: @Kpfar2

We are getting deeper and deeper in the mine

2.1.0 for Ghost&Souls is out! Enjoy!

There is a lot of changes, but the main one — is extended version of Workshop.

Just finished Looks overworld sprite for the fangame.


I created the inventory system and now you can see the


and now you can join this game community if you would like

This is roughly what the battles will look like (some parts of the interface are not yet finished and are currently being developed).
Примерно так будут выглядеть бои (некоторые части интерфейса еще не сделаны и находятся в стадии разработки).

Послушайте! Вторая часть пять ночей с копатычем я удалил! Те кто успели поиграть во вторую часть - молодцы! Почему я её удалил - поскольку она провалилась я собираюсь вместо неё сделать ремейк первой части я об этом рассказал в предыдущем посте.

Fuck *Forget That Ball.

A Friend Made This For Me I Am Happy Hehe :3

Hey There Pals!

Guess What? I Am Tryin To Join The UNDEREVENT! Please If U Can Help With Something Like Composing,Editing,Coding,Spriting Etc Comment It! And I Will Give U Credit ;)

In an alternate world, there was a city within a mountain...