General in Game Dev

Post GameDev things!

I blinked, and it only shot 500 bullets… maybe it needs a buff. #gamedev


Всем привет, продолжаю делать игру

Но уже чёт не весело...

If anyone is interested DAG!Underfell is looking for musicians, programmers, sprite and concept artists. More information can be found in the post linked below

Guess the third project I'm working on and you might be in!

hint: DOORS fangame

Коротко о состоянии андроид порта

I created a Ko-Fi page to raise money for the production of the game!


In this Week 2.

-Expanded the configuration menu.

-Added a basic (but broken) weapon system.

nice one!

Muds (Mu-tsch) He Just Had To Sleep 1 Hour Then Usual Poor Guy I Made Him In Mk's Style I Am Bad at It LOL Here Is It Muds! @Muddyphoenix


Glitch that occurred when I was working on Dragons exile (VOLUME WARNING)