Programming in Godot

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In Unity you might do o.GetComponent<Health>() and do what you need if the component exists, how do I follow such a contract in Godot? Without implementing the same health logic for every script that might be damaged

Cannot make my free-look camera work well. Somebody has a code sample for that case? (Without nodes nesting, just camera having "target" property)


I'm back sorry about the sudden inturruption


LOOK! I MADE SOME LINES OF CODE (used a tutorial for help) FOR WORDS!!!

Hi fellow Devs and Godot enthusiasts!

We have prepared a shot devlog. We are talking about Lumencraft story and technology behind fully destructible terrain. Check it out:

Lumencraft - Devlog #1: Let's destroy this world!
Wishilst on Steam!: ➡️ we will be able to discuss the matter of playtesting with you. For now, we ...

creating a new dungeon crawler game wish me luck

narrativebros, how do you write your cutscenes/dialogues??

I've taken to writing them in coroutines, for their ease of setup and flexibility, but I'm wondering if there's some nicer way of doing this.

Mini Pets has reached 900+ downloads! Thanks all for your support!

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Kindly download my game, thanks :)!


experimenting with godot engine, wish me luck